Teach Yourself Bagpipes by Lindsay Davidson

bringing quality 'piping instruction to you for free
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Piper of Drummond


Five discussion points

1   Throw bar 1 - as in Miss Girdle (mapr9) the throw is very light after the beat. However, before the beat, in ever case, the low G takes exactly half the preceding note. This helps set up a pattern to help your band to playtogether.
2   The pattern of having two strong crotchets at the beginning fo a reel to be like stamp,stamp in the dance can be seen here as in other similar tunes. As with analogous places in other tunes, the gracenote to the second crotchet is a 32nd note, giving emphasis in this way.
3   Strike on B bar 2 - a light strike opening on the beat. The low G is a 64th note. Be careful to recognise that the next low G, in the throw, is a 32nd note.
4   Bar 4 gracenote - just like in bar 1. In semiotic terms this repetition of a motif indicates a closure of a section.
5   B doubling bar 5 - high G gracenote is a 64th note, making it the same as the D gracenote. This is on acount of the overall structure of the tune; anything else here would lead to imbalance.

This section of the website has tunes taken from the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Asociation (RSPBA) prescribed tune list.

If you learn these tunes, there will be a large number of people you can be sure to find tunes in common with.

The RSPBA update their list from time to time and the versions here followed their original published versions, pending updates in due course.
These videos show the music and you can hear midi generated tracks where the rhythm of the gracenotes and embellishments is maintained in proper interprative proportion. You should try to feel the rhythm and also count it out exactly. Start with the fastest files and as you get better, go to the slower files, as this is a true measure of your security of technique.

Each file is given at two pitches, A and B flat. This reflects the different practice chanter tunings commonly found. Please scroll down to what you need (site updated for smart phone and tablets)

The exercises below are chosen to help with some particular trickiness in each tune.

Videos to play along with

Low Pitch normal speed

Low Pitch half speed

Low Pitch quarter speed

High pitch normal speed

High pitch half speed

High pitch quarter speed

For more information on how to use these exercises and videos to play along with please click on the links.

Five exercises  

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5


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