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Alex and Courtney's Engagement
Composed by Lindsay Davidson, 2020
alex and courtney

Alex Kerr is the Baron of Ardgowan's nephew. He got engaged to Courtney in 2020 and Lindsay composed this tune as a special celebration gift for them.


The birls should all be very light.
The F and E doublings have been interpreted here to be quite open. The reason for this is to give a sense of space relaxation in line with the idea of the tune.
The strike on E is of a medium weight, as are the other strikes.
The throws take half the time form the E preceding them. Listen carefully to the slow version to make sure this is clear.
As with other tunes of this nature it is reasonable to give a breathing moment at the end of the phrases - quite simply stop for a cup of tea...

Videos to play along with

High pitch normal speed

High pitch half speed

High pitch quarter speed

Low pitch normal speed

Low pitch half speed

Low pitch quarter speed

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